We have listed a few answers below to some questions you may have about KULA Underwear. But if you need any help at any time you can contact customer care at info@kulaunderwear.com  we will be happy to help!

Notice - due to supply delays, we will restock all underwear with the fly option and the Men's brief in Mid-October 2024, apologies for the delay and inconvenience



My sizing is in-between the sizing stated on the KULA website, which size should I go for?

We recommend taking a size above as KULA Underwear are close fitting they are more likely to fit comfortably.

However, you are covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee on your first pair of KULA's, so if it doesn't fit quite right we will send a replacement size. Read full terms and conditions here


Wash Care

What are the wash care instructions for KULA underwear? 

Wash KULA underwear on 30/40 DEGREE WASH. Do not wash on high heat

Do not tumble dry, air dry only


TENCEL Modal is a delicate material. We recommend all KULA underwear are washed with a cool wash for best and long lasting results and it's better for the planet in the long run.



I don't want my gift recipient to see pricing details? No problem.

We do not include any paperwork in KULA orders, this is part of our ongoing commitment to reducing waste. It also means you don't need to worry about your gift recipient seeing any product price details.

I'm buying a gift and not sure about sizing, what if the sizing isn't right?

No problem

We offer a '100% Satisfaction Guarantee' on all first orders, details of which are included in all our orders so your gift recipient will have all details to hand. You can read full details of our 100% satisfaction guarantee here. We simply ask customers to try on one pair. If this pair isn't quite right we will accept back all unworn pairs and exchange for a different size. If the gift is one single pair, the customer just needs to let us know and we will send out a replacement size without the need for a return.